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Work currently in editorial process on the following topics: digital innovation and electronic waste, seafood sustainability, wildfire policy options. On Q methodology, read this. * as corresponding author.

Full peer-reviewed papers

  • 2025. Drivers to adopt agroforestry and sustainable land-use innovations: A review and framework for policy. Zabala*, Pascual, García-Barrios, Mukherjee. Land Use Policy. | Document (Open access)
  • 2025. What does “sustainable seafood” mean to seafood system actors in Japan and Sweden?. Blandon, Jonell, Ishihara, Zabala. AMBIO. | Document (Open access)
  • 2024. Challenges beyond reaching a 30% of area protection. Zabala*, Palomo, Mugica, Montes. npj Biodiversity. | Document (Open access)
  • 2024. Understanding non-participation in local governance institutions in Indonesia. Miller, Ahmad, Carmenta, Zabala et al. Biological Conservation. | Document (Open access)
  • 2024. Social equity and pluralism in Nature-based Solutions: practitioners’ perspectives on implementation.  Tallent & Zabala*. Environmental Science and Policy | Document (Open access)
  • 2023. Net Zero by Choice? Oil and gas industry motivations for the energy transition and public policy in Scotland.  Hughes & Zabala*. Climate Policy | Document (Open access)
  • 2023. Waste-to-energy risk perception typology: health, politics and environmental impacts.  Subiza-Pérez, Zabala*, Groten, Vozmediano, San Juan & Ibarluzea. Journal of Risk Research | Document (Open access)
  • 2023. Stakeholder preferences for pangolin conservation interventions in south-east Nigeria.  Emogor, Zabala, Adaje, Clark, Nielsen & Carmenta. People and Nature | Document (Open access)
  • 2022. From participation to commitment in silvopastoral programmes: Insights from Chiapas, Mexico.  Zabala*, García Barrios and Pascual Ecological Economics 200 | Document (Open access)  | Snapshot
  • 2021. Experts and resource users split over solutions to peatland fires. Phelps, Zabala*, Daeli and Carmenta World Development 146 | Document
  • 2021. Steps to diversify priority-setting research in conservation: Reflections on de Gracia 2021. Jucker (…), Zabala et al. Conservation Biology | Document
  • 2021. Evaluating bundles of interventions to prevent peat-fires in Indonesia. Carmenta, Zabala et al. Global Environmental Change 67 | Document
  • 2020. Diverse Perceptions on Eco-Certification for Shrimp Aquaculture in Indonesia. Azizah, Ishihara, Zabala et al. Sustainability (MDPI) , 12(22), 9387 | Document (Open access)
  • 2018. When and how to use Q methodology to understand perspectives in conservation research.
    Zabala*, A., Sandbrook, C. and Mukherjee, N. Conservation Biology, 32(5):1185–1194 | Document (Open access) | Dataset | Accessible summary in Current Conservation
  • 2018. Ten‐year assessment of the 100 priority questions for global biodiversity conservation.
    with Jucker, T. et al. Conservation Biology, 32(6):1457–1463 | Document (Open access)
  • 2018. Comparison of techniques for eliciting views and judgements in decision-making.
    Mukherjee, N., Zabala, A. et al. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 9:54–63 | Document (Open access) | Dataset for Q method
  • 2018. Multilevel assessment of a large-scale programme for poverty alleviation and wetland conservation: lessons from South Africa.
    Zabala*, A., Sullivan, C.A., Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 61(3):493–514 | Document (Full access) | Accepted version (free) | Snapshot
  • 2017. Perceptions across scales of governance and the Indonesian peatland fires.
    Carmenta, R., Zabala, A., Daeli, W., Phelps, J. Global Environmental Change, 46, 50–59 | Document (Open access)
  • 2017. Payments for pioneers? Revisiting the role of external rewards for sustainable innovation under heterogeneous motivations.
    Zabala*, A., Pascual, U., García-Barrios, L.E., Ecological Economics, 135:234–245 | Document | Accepted version (free) | Snapshot
  • 2016. The human dimension of peatland fires: understanding the perspectives of stakeholders at different scales.
    Carmenta, R., Zabala, A., Daely, W., Phelps., J., LESTARI Journal Vol 1. (In Bahasa-Indonesia) | Document (Open access)
  • 2016. Bootstrapping Q methodology to improve the understanding of human perspectives.
    Zabala*, A., Pascual, U., PLoS One, 11(2):e0148087 | Document (Open access)
  • 2016. Precolonial institutions and deforestation in Africa.
    Larcom, S., van Gevelt, T., Zabala, A., Land Use Policy, 51:150–161 | Document
  • 2014. qmethod: a package to analyse human perspectives using Q methodology.
    Zabala*, A., The R Journal, 6(2):163-173 | Document (Open access)
  • 2009. Walking the green carpet to work (A multicriteria analysis of policy measures to promote sustainable transport to industrial estates).
    Zabala*, A., International Journal of Sustainable Development, 12(1):78 | Document
  • 2008. Integrating multiple perspectives in social multicriteria evaluation of flood-mitigation alternatives: the case of Malborghetto-Valbruna.
    Scolobig, A., Castan-Broto, V., & Zabala, A., Environment and Planning C: Government & Policy, 26(6):1143-1161 | Document


Book chapters

  • with Garcia-Barrios et al. 2020. Challenges for rural livelihoods, participatory agroforestry and biodiversity conservation in a neotropical biosphere reserve in Mexico. in Baldauf, C (ed.) Participatory Biodiversity Conservation. Springer. Chapter page
  • Zabala et al. 2019. Natural Capital. in Eaton and Sheng (Ed.), The Inclusive Green Economy: Policies and practice. United Nations Environment Programme | Document
  • Zabala, A., 2018. Comparing Global Spatial Data on Deforestation for Institutional Analysis in Africa.
    In B. Huang (Ed.), Comprehensive Geographic Information Systems (pp. 371-388). Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences. Elsevier | Document | Snapshot
  • Sullivan, C. A., Dickens, C., Mander, M., Bonjean, M., Macfarlane, D., Bharwani, S., Matin, N., van Nieukerk, K., Diederichs, N., Taylor, A., King-Okumu, M. S. C., Kranz, N., Bisaro, S., Zabala, A., Romero, A., Huntjens, P., Knoesen, D., 2010. Promoting adaptive water management in the Orange Senqu river basin: a NeWater case study.
    In J. Mysiak, C. Pahl-Wostl, & C. A. Sullivan (Eds.), The Adaptive Water Resource Management Handbook (pp. 169-182). London: Earthscan | Document

Scientific software


  • Zabala, A., Mukherjee, N., 2020. Q methodology studies on human perspectives for biological conservation 1996-2017 | UK Data service
  • Zabala, A., 2018. Local impacts of a wetland restoration project in South Africa 2007 | UK Data service


  • PhD. Zabala, A., 2015. Motivations and incentives for pro-environmental behaviour: the case of silvopasture adoption in the tropical forest frontier. Department of Land Economy, University of Cambridge. Passed without corrections | Full document
  • MSc. Zabala, A., 2007. From macro to micro. An evaluation of the Working for Wetlands programme and its implementation in Seekoeivlei, South Africa. Oxford University Centre for the Environment.
  • BSc. Zabala, A., 2005. Biosecurity and biodiversity conservation: an analysis of the international negotiations of plant genetic diversity (CBD, Cartagena Protocol and the FAO-Plant Treaty). Faculty of Sciences and Faculty of Politics, Autonomous University of Barcelona (in Spanish). Grade of 10 over 10 (first such grade since the BSc. started) | Full document

Media & science communication

See Media page.

Conference presentations (selected)

  • INVITED: Zabala, A., 2013.
    Are environment and development policies effective? Highlights from fieldwork in rural communities in Mexico and South Africa
    . Cambridge International Development Conference, Dec 2013, Cambridge. Emerging Researchers Roundtable | Briefing
  • Zabala, A., Garcia-Barrios, L E., Pascual, U., 2013.
    Understanding the Role of Livelihoods in the Adoption of Silvopasture in the Tropical Forest Frontier
    . 15th Annual BIOECON Conference. 18-20 Sep 2013, Cambridge | Document
  • Zabala, A., Sullivan, C., 2013. Analysis of a national programme for wetland rehabilitation in South Africa: lessons for environment and development policies. 10th biennial conference of the European Society for Ecological Economics. 18-21 Jun 2013 Lille | Summary
  • INVITED: Zabala, A., Pascual, U., Garcia-Barrios, L E., 2013. The implications of heterogeneous perspectives for the adoption of silvopasture in the tropical forest frontier. I International Symposium of the SRUK, Society of Spanish Researchers in the UK | **Best Abstract in the Social Sciences & Humanities**
  • Zabala, A., Pascual, U., & Garcia-Barrios, L. E., 2012. Disentangling landusers’ perspectives for the adoption of silvopastoral practices: lessons for targeting conservation payments in the tropical forest frontier. 12th Conference of the International Society for Ecological Economics. Rio de Janeiro | Document
  • Zabala, A., 2011. A Q methodology study of farmers’ perspectives on forest conservation. PhD conference in Land Economy. Cambridge.
  • INVITED: Zabala, A., 2005. The website of the Degree of Environmental Sciences at UAB. I CampusRed Congress of Education and Research Online. Bilbao.

Conference posters (selected)

Seminar presentations (selected)

  • Zabala, A., 2012. Rewards for Ecosystem Services and Adoption of Sustainable Land Use Practices in Social-Ecological Systems. Zero Carbon Society Food for Thought lunchtime talks | Presentation
  • Zabala, A., 2012. Payments for pioneers? Acknowledging farmers’ perspective heterogeneity to enhance silvopastoral adoption policies in the tropical forest frontier. Seminar at the 4CMR – Cambridge Centre for Climate Change Mitigation Research.
  • Zabala, A., 2012. (Non-)Adoption of silvopastoral systems in the tropical forest frontier: a simple micro-econometric analysis. Land Economy lunchtime PhD seminar.