Media and science communication
I have written several editorials [↓], monthly Research Highlights, and blog posts, among others, for Nature Sustainability.
I collaborate regularly with broad-public media and contribute to science communication, on topics at the interface of environment and climate, sustainability and policy (mainly in Basque language).
Science communication book
Media coverage of “Natura Gure Esku” (Alberdania, 2022) here.
Live radio, podcast and TV
- 2023. Long interview + podcast in series “Emakume zientzialarien argitan” (“In light of women scientists”). Elhuyar & Donostia Kultura.
- 2022-23. Monthly (and occasional) live radio collaborations at “Baipasa”, on the climate emergency. EITB broadcaster. Ten programs in Spring 2022 + ongoing.
- 2022-23. TV guest at “Egun On Euskadi” program, discussing COP27, energy policy and climate change, etc.. EITB broadcaster. (May and November 2022; 22 March 2023).
- 2022. Radio guest at morning news program, discussing COP27. Naiz Irratia. (November).
- 2021-22. Radio collaboration at “Gelditu Makinak” program. Naiz Irratia broadcaster.
Two programs. - 2021. Weekly live radio collaboration at “Faktoria” magazine. EITB broadcaster.
Ten programs in Summer 2021. - 2021. Basoen etorkizuneko kudeaketa: bioaniztasuna eta errentagarritasunaren artean (Future forest management: between biodiversity and profitability). Radio interview at Euskadi Irratia.
Newspaper articles (for a broad audience)
- 2022. Interviewed for coverage about COP27 at Gara printed newspaper (ES)
- 2022. Interviewed for special weekend coverage about the 50th anniversary of the Limits to Growth, at Berria printed newspaper
- 2021/22. Monthly opinion column about environmental sustainability at Berria printed newspaper:
- 2021. Digitalizazio hondarrak (Digitalisation remains). Opinion article on e-waste, at Berria printed newspaper.
- 2021. “Garapenaren eredua ongizatean oinarritu beharko genuke” (The development model should be based on well-being). Radio interview at Euskadi Irratia.
- 2021. Sozioekologian bertakoak aditu, Baztanen ere (The locals are experts in socio-ecology, also in Baztan). Opinion article on sustainable mobility and economic recovery funds, at Berria printed newspaper.
- 2021. Dirua baino, ongizatea neurtu (Rather than money, measure well-being). Opinion article, at Berria printed newspaper.
- 2021. Hamaika minutu (Many minutes). Opinion article on sustainable mobility and economic recovery funds, at Berria printed newspaper.
- 2021. Basoak berpiztu (Revive the forests). Opinion article on sustainable mobility and economic recovery funds, at Berria printed newspaper. English translation.
- 2021 «Aukera ezin hobea dugu politika sortzaileak abiatzeko» (We’ve got a great opportunity to enable creative policies). Interview at Berria printed newspaper.
- with Pascual et al. +400 signatures, 2021. Por la reconstrucción ecológica de la economía (carta abierta a la sociedad desde la comunidad científica vasca). Público newspaper (also published at El Salto Diario, Noticias de Gipuzkoa, Berria, ElHuyar)
Science articles for non-specialists
- 2018-20. Nature Sustainability editorials, e.g. Transition from pandemic, Paying wisely for conservation.
- 2018-9. Monthly ‘Research Highlights’ and other scientific journalism pieces at the journal Nature Sustainability | List of articles
- with García-Barrios and colleagues, 2015. Silvopastoral systems as a buffer zone to a protected Biosphere Reserve. FAO cases database | Article
- 2012. Symposium review: Economics as if life mattered. Newsletter of the European Society for Ecological Economics | Article
- with García-Barrios and colleagues 2011. Desarrollo participativo de buenas practicas para el uso y manejo de arboles en la ganaderia y la agricultura (pp. 1-16). San Cristobal de las Casas: ECOSUR-UACH. Participative development of good practices for the use and management of trees for cattle-farming and agriculture.
- 2008. From macro to micro: environmental policy and ‘the poorest of the poor’ in Seekoeivlei, South Africa. Executive summary. 1-7 | Document
- 2008. Working for Wetlands in Seekoeivlei. Basic report of fieldwork results. 1-35.
- 2005. On carbon emissions after Kyoto. Web article for the Catalan Society of Geography | Article